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If using the Mobile Version: Scroll through the entire page to see the class policies.
NOTE: CDC guidelines will be followed regarding COVID-19 precautions.

Class Policies


  • Masks MUST be worn in the building at all times. 

  • Hand washing and hand sanitizer use are required.

  • Students entering class more than five minutes after the start time may not be permitted to practice.

  • No cell phone usage permitted during class time unless permission has been received by one of the owners or instructor for that day.

  • No food, snacks, or beverages (besides water) will be allowed in the studio. (Students may step out into the hallway if necessary to eat for medical/dietary reasons ONLY.)

  • Water is permissible in the studio ONLY IF it is in an approved container (must be a water bottle with a cap closure).

  • Parents/Guardians, or any other person that is not a student, will NOT be allowed in class during instruction.

  • NO SMOKING of any kind on the premises (including, but not limited to "vapor cigarettes", tobacco products, etc.).

  • No use of drugs or alcohol of ANY kind on the premises.

  • No firearms/weapons of ANY kind on the premises.

NOTE: Failure to adhere to the Studio Etiquette may result in dismissal from the class for the day or the dance program as a whole.



  • Respect to all persons in attendance is expected at all times.

  • Absolutely NO profanity or vulgar obscenities (from students, parents/guardians, or anyone else).

  • If student is redirected more than 2x for disruption of learning (by any of the owners or guest teachers), they will either be asked to sit out or leave the classroom. (Student must be picked up by authorized person).

  • No bullying of ANY kind (e.g. name calling, degrading, hitting, etc.) will be accepted.

  • No physical contact to another person without permission from them. 

  • Updates on concerning student behavior will be provided immediately (verbal and/or written).

NOTE: Failure to adhere to the Discipline Policy may result in dismissal from the class for the day or the dance program as a whole.


  © 2024-2025 by Trinity Prep Center, LLC

           "Not your ordinary dance studio!"      

  6018 E. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048


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